Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cult of Destrution 1/9

So I've been working on my Cult of Destruction as of late. I had picked up a squad of Chaos Terminators from a local store for 25% off a few months ago. Now I originally had the idea that I was also gonna buy a box of paladins and kit bash, thus having an entire unit for my Pheonix Guard army. Then I realized I didn't wanna be THAT guy, ya know a bandwaggon jumper. So one night I was looking at the box, then looked over to my Oblit squad, then back to the box, and well the rest is history.

For those of you who don't know what the Cult of Destruction is, I'll explain. It's an Apoc formation that consists of 9+ Oblits, each a maxxed out unit. They all fire together as one as either a 48"+ S-D AP-1, Hellstorm S-4 AP-3+, or 48" S-5+ AP5 Apoc Blast. The "+" symbol is because you can change it depending on how many Oblits are fireing, with a min of 6. Now of course you don't have to fire all as one, but a 48"+ range D weapon is awesome in Apoc. Now this is all in addition to the fact that you're always gonna bring 9+ oblits to any Apoc game, 150 points is a small price to pay to get these fun extra options.

Now with all this thought of Apoc, there is also the fact that 9 oblits in any game is pretty damn good. I've been playing this book since the day it came out and have wanted to run 3X3 units of oblits. Yet the rebel inside me kept fighting that urge for the past 5 years cause I didn't want to run a cookie cutter list. But now that I have to option to do so (and I have) I've realized how stupid I've been XD.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you play CSM in these ending days of 5th AND you get a chance to get a game of Apoc in AND you play CSM you should run this formation. But without dragging this on for too long here is the one Oblit that I've finished modeling, hope you enjoy.

Stage 1

So all I did was fairly simple. I took a CSM terminator and kit bashed it to hell. Things like adding the Chaos Warriors helmet. The hardest part is always the hands. Cause you want the feel of your model having all of these weapons yet shooting only one. With this model I figured I'd keep the power fist, then on the other has a "lascannon" and a plasma pistol. Gettin the weapons on the arms is just an easy process of clipping off parts from the different bits and fitting them into place. Besides the helmet, my favorite part of this model is the "lascannon" which is the exhaust from a Dread sprue.

Stage 2

This part was fairly simple, all I did was drill in holes at various points and then cut Guitar chords to fit. Guitar chords are an awesome tool to use in models, even if you don't play. Bass chords are better for vechicles, where as Guitar chords are perfect for both.

Stage 3

This part is the easiest...kinda. Basicly I just had to make the hands look like they were morphing into these guns, meanwhile covering up the holes that the chords come from on the Oblit body. At that point its just a matter of rolling up a ball of green stuff, wrapping it around your spot and tooling it around to get the desired effect.

And my crowning achievment so far is this custom shoulder pad. My plan is to do this thoughout the entire army, as it is the 69th company.

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