Sunday, May 27, 2012

List of the week

This week I'm gonna be taking a KP denial list this thursday. What I'm gonna start doing is writing a different list every week, since I really don't care about winning anymore in these last days of 5th. So I decided to make a KP denial list using the CSM codex. Now I had originally gotten this idea from the 11th Company podcast (if you haven't listened to it, you've been left behind). I realize that a KP denial list is a mute list to write considering that 6th will come out in a couple months, but figured I'd try my hand at it.

The whole idea behind a KP denial list is quite simple. In most tournies across the country each game that you play has 3 mission objectives. One is usually objective markers, another one being something like table quarters, and then of course Kill Points. This way there are a couple of ways to determine a victor. So it's a given that 1/3 of the overall game is gonna be KP, and whoever can get the most wins that mission objective. With taking a KP denial list you're eliminating (not completely) from the game, and now only really playing with 2 mission objectives. Which is alot easier than having to constantly be thinking about 3, duh.

Writing a list like this is only for 3 mission games. I can't stress that enough. If you're playing just a standard book mission, you won't do so hot. Now with that in mind I'll get to the list, and some of the other theories that I used going into it.

Abbadon - 275

Kharn - 165

2x 12 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma Guns, Champion w/ Power Fist and Combi-Plasma - 712

3x 3 Oblits - 675

So the total is 1827, which just means that I'll add one more Plague Marine to one of the units. And yes, this is a complete foot list, with only 7 kill points. It may look like a gun line, and it basicly is. There really is not that many flashy tricks or wargear, or all that many tactics.

It's just a simple list that is hard as hell to kill especially when it's dug into any sort of terrain. There's 25 Plague Marine models on the board, and in each unit you have one of the biggest close combat beasts the codex has to offer, Kharn and Abbadon. With these two models people become a bit weary of charging you, on top of the defensive grenades that can be a deterrent as well. The plasma guns also take control of any mistakes you opponent might make by not charging in. So the result is two completely solid units who excel at shooting up troops and butchering them in the assault phase.

At first glance you may wonder why I didn't give them Melta guns. That's because I already have 9 twin-linked melta guns in my list anyways, as well as any of the other weapons these guys wanna use. Heavy armor isn't an issue for this list. Minus the array of anti-tank weapons these guys pack, if any armor gets close enough (Lard Raiders really) I throw Kharn or Abbadon at it. And that's if any of those meltas didn't get though anyways.

The basic tactic you're gonna use with this list is the "Come at me bro" tactic, a.k.a sit and shoot. After getting everyone out of their transports as you have to do is send volley after volley of plasma into the enemy and see who still has a head for Kharn to take. There's nothing flashy about this list at all, but I can almost guarantee that it will give your opponent a headache.

The Downsides: Mobility. This is the obvious one. There are no transports in the list, so getting from one edge to the other is gonna be either hard, or impossible. Yet there are ways to mitigate this, deep strike. Of course it is quite a risk, it is really the only way to get that objective your opponent so cleverly set in their corner. Only having one squad of oblits deep strike over there isn't that scary, and really you probably don't wanna commit more than two anyways. This is why you attach Abbadon to one of them. Having 3-6 oblits and good ole Abbadon come down behind your lines will make most weak hearted opponents evacuate their bowels. This is also the stupidest and high risk/reward move you could make, possibly losing every single model in one bad scatter.

Now I've thought about this one major flaw. Then I realized you don't need it, you don't need the mobility. If you're playing this list correctly, and in the correct format, then you won't need to get to that corner. At that point all you need to do is hold your own, get more kill points, and try to draw on what ever the third objective is (table quarters, victory points, etc). You have the amount of guns to rack up the KPs you'll need, and then you just have to position yourself to tie. At the end of the day if you get that one out of the three mission objectives and your opponent has none, then you won anyways.

So their you have it, hope you enjoyed it. If you have any comments or suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Oh and for anyone who wants to complain about Abbadon's daemon weapon here's my side. In the past 2 games I've rolled for his weapon about 10 times, out of those I've rolled about 5 or 6 ones. Yeah my dice suck.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Update, I guess.../rambling

So, I've been busy as of late. Work, my daughter, the fact that I spend over 3 hours getting to and from work, girlfriend, etc. I have been working slowly on my Cult of Destruction and I'll post some pictures at the end here. Other than that, I'm trying to compose a list of all the different projects I either have started, or want to start in the coming months. Right now the list looks something like this:

- Cult of Destruction
- Doomsday Device 1
- Doomsday Device 2
- Plague Tower of Nurgle
- Abbadon Conversion
- Nurgle Deamon Prince Conversion
- Deamon Prince
- Hordes Warband (yes I play Hordes, you mad bro?)
- Re-painting my Orks (counts as 'Zerkers)

Yeah, I'll just stop it right there, cause I could go on, and on, and on. Yeah you get the point. Then there's the fact that 6th ed is right around the corner, along with a supposed new CSM dex. Now from what I've heard about the new dex, it seems pretty cool. I mean Cultists for troops? Yes please. Then there's this Dragon, and a new beast that's like a Khorne Juggernaught on steroids apparently, oh and close combat Oblits? I have no idea what to expect, and thus not really any idea on what to really work on. And, I wouldn't be surprised if alot of people are loosing some motivation with the idea of 6th.

From all the rumors postin' up all around the internets seems like the game of Warhammer 40k as we know it, and have known it for about 3 of the past 5 editions, is gonna change. Of course with new rules sets things change, it is inevitable. Yet these rules are a, well, too drastic. This isn't like the change from 4th to 5th, where really the only thing that changed was the shooting phase.Things like cover, terrain, pistols, etc. But nothing too bad really.

Now I understand that these are all rumors. So all of my opinions may be based completely on a falasey. But lets say that they are changing everything that they are, then what? How many of you wanna assault after deep striking? Everyone does, but really think abou the game. Oh well looks like Blood Angels just became king.Oh and random charge ranges?...why? Where the hell does that make any sense?

So I guess until then, when 6th drops that is, I'll simply be putting together some of these models and bidding my time. I'm also gonna get in on all the biomorph action as some of my friends and I are gonna be working with that. If you don't know what biomorph is, check it out over on 3++. It's basicly pathfinder, but with 40k.

So, yeah... here's the one oblit that I've been working on, and should have done by the end of the weekend, enjoy.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Death Throes...or Throwback?

So with the end of 5th edition in the next few months (about 2) I've completely given up caring about the games that I play. So this past week I only played one game of 40k, didn't care whatsoever about it, and lost. Now I hate it when people blame the result of the game based on dice rolls, but this game was total BS. Abaddon rolled two or three 1's in three seperate assault phases, oh yeah and then had to take a fearless save with one wound left and guess what??...a frickin' 1. At that point I just said good game and packed my crap. Anyways, what I want to talk about is the idea of a throwback.

Now my friend Joe, who I played this game against, talked with me later on that night and we came up with an idea. Especially since 6th is just around the corner and both our dex's are outdated (he plays 'Nids) why not play the codexes we really like? So next thursday we have agreed to play as many 4th edition games with our respective 4th edition codexes as possible. Now half the fun in this is that most of our gaming buddies' heads will potentially explode when they find this out. We figure one might just curl up and start crying cause he can't wrap his head around this idea.

For me I get to use one of two codexes, either the current CSM dex since it is technically a 4th edition book, or the 3.5 one. Well the 3.5 CSM dex has to be the coolest codex ever, so yeah that's the one I'm going with. For those who have never seen or read it, please do so. My plan right now is to run Alpha Legion cause, well, everything infiltrates. Now I know this might not be good against 'Nids, but idc, this is gonna be hilarious. So, here's what I'm running:

Sorcerer Lord with Familiar, Talisman, Gift of Chaos, Mass Mutation, Focus, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Twin Lightning Claws, Infiltrate, Furious Charge - 175

Bloodthirster - 205

3x 20 "Assassins" Cultists, Frag, Champion with Power Weapon, Mark of Chaos Undivided - 325

2x Chaos Space Marines with Infiltrate, Frag, Furious Charge, Flamer, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Champion with Power Fist - 688

6x Bloodletters

10 Havocs with 4 Flamers, Infiltrate, Mark of Chaos Undivided - 200

Total: 1749

Now I can't remember all the rules, but I don't think this list will do too bad. Everything Infiltrates and has at least one flamer so they can lay down extra wounds before they charge, in which case everything has Furious Charge. The only 2 units that don't start on the board is the Bloodthirster and Bloodletters which will drop down and just add to the close combat killiness. This entire army is dedicated to getting into assault ASAP.

I really based this list around the theme of the original Dawn of War game, just thought it would be fun. And all I'm hoping for is a fun game. So I'll let ya'll know how it goes down, and hopefully have some fun pictures.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cult of Destrution 1/9

So I've been working on my Cult of Destruction as of late. I had picked up a squad of Chaos Terminators from a local store for 25% off a few months ago. Now I originally had the idea that I was also gonna buy a box of paladins and kit bash, thus having an entire unit for my Pheonix Guard army. Then I realized I didn't wanna be THAT guy, ya know a bandwaggon jumper. So one night I was looking at the box, then looked over to my Oblit squad, then back to the box, and well the rest is history.

For those of you who don't know what the Cult of Destruction is, I'll explain. It's an Apoc formation that consists of 9+ Oblits, each a maxxed out unit. They all fire together as one as either a 48"+ S-D AP-1, Hellstorm S-4 AP-3+, or 48" S-5+ AP5 Apoc Blast. The "+" symbol is because you can change it depending on how many Oblits are fireing, with a min of 6. Now of course you don't have to fire all as one, but a 48"+ range D weapon is awesome in Apoc. Now this is all in addition to the fact that you're always gonna bring 9+ oblits to any Apoc game, 150 points is a small price to pay to get these fun extra options.

Now with all this thought of Apoc, there is also the fact that 9 oblits in any game is pretty damn good. I've been playing this book since the day it came out and have wanted to run 3X3 units of oblits. Yet the rebel inside me kept fighting that urge for the past 5 years cause I didn't want to run a cookie cutter list. But now that I have to option to do so (and I have) I've realized how stupid I've been XD.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you play CSM in these ending days of 5th AND you get a chance to get a game of Apoc in AND you play CSM you should run this formation. But without dragging this on for too long here is the one Oblit that I've finished modeling, hope you enjoy.

Stage 1

So all I did was fairly simple. I took a CSM terminator and kit bashed it to hell. Things like adding the Chaos Warriors helmet. The hardest part is always the hands. Cause you want the feel of your model having all of these weapons yet shooting only one. With this model I figured I'd keep the power fist, then on the other has a "lascannon" and a plasma pistol. Gettin the weapons on the arms is just an easy process of clipping off parts from the different bits and fitting them into place. Besides the helmet, my favorite part of this model is the "lascannon" which is the exhaust from a Dread sprue.

Stage 2

This part was fairly simple, all I did was drill in holes at various points and then cut Guitar chords to fit. Guitar chords are an awesome tool to use in models, even if you don't play. Bass chords are better for vechicles, where as Guitar chords are perfect for both.

Stage 3

This part is the easiest...kinda. Basicly I just had to make the hands look like they were morphing into these guns, meanwhile covering up the holes that the chords come from on the Oblit body. At that point its just a matter of rolling up a ball of green stuff, wrapping it around your spot and tooling it around to get the desired effect.

And my crowning achievment so far is this custom shoulder pad. My plan is to do this thoughout the entire army, as it is the 69th company.