Friday, October 26, 2012

Speedy Fairies

After hours of paging over the new CSM dex I've finally come up with a list that I like. Not only is it fairly competitive, but also a lot of fun to play. The original idea came from everyone saying that assault was dead in 6th, and I wanted to prove that theory wrong. So here it is.

Chaos Lord with Mark of Slaanesh, Steed of Slaanesh, Lightning Claw, Gift of Mutation, Aura of Dark Glory - 135

Daemon Prince with Mark of Tzeentch, Wings, Mastery Level 3, Black Mace - 320

5 Noise Marines with Blastmaster, Rhino with Havoc Launcher and Warpflame Gargoyles - 177

20 Cultists - 90

2x 5 Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle - 360

2x Mauler Fiends (1 with Lasher Tendrials) - 260

Aegis Defense Line with Quad Gun - 100

1 Big Mek with Kustom Force Field - 85

19 Boyz, Nob with Power Klaw and Boss Pole - 159

Dakkajet with additional Supa Shoota and Fighta Ace - 130

Battle Wagon with Deff Rolla and Red Paint Job - 115

The theory is quite simple. With the BW in the middle, flanked by the 2 MFs and backed by the 10 Spawn, all you do is move up the middle of the field and get into assault by turn 2 usually. The BW moves 20" a turn (13" in movement, 7" flat out), while the MF and Spawn run along side. This gives both your MF a 4+ cover save and your T6 Spawn a 5+. You should be able to weather the shooting phase quite well. Everything you have running at your opponent moves 12"+ and assaults another 2D6.

Meanwhile the NM sit back and launch S8 AP3 blasts that ignore cover alongside the Rhino that has a Havoc Launcher with soul blaze. I'm really not sure if soul blaze will be that great but I want to try it out. The cultists you can either keep in reserve to outflank with your lord, or just camp an objective and go to ground. And the Boyz can grab your opponents backfield when you've wiped out whatever is there.

Oh and I almost forgot the Dakkajet that flies around shooting up whatever you want. And lastly there is the S6 Deamon Prince who has 6+D6 attacks on the charge. Combine this with Biomancy powers and hopefully the Boon of Mutation power, and this model will man handle anything you decided to throw him at. Infantry, dead. Paladins, dean. Vehicles, dead. Noticing a pattern here?

So far the list has done well in the first test game I've played. The Spawn work well, except I was playing against 1k Sons who kept popping them like no ones business. Once I got into assault with Arihman that dude going Super Smash Bros Ness style. Using his staff like a home run bat and then "TK Thunder"-ing them into exploding flesh. The outflanking cultists really could've won we the game, if we hadn't called it. And that's one of the big holes in this list is that there are only 3 troop choices. However the amount of killy CC units should mitigate this somewhat. I'll keep ya'll up to date on how this list does in the future as well as the team tourney I'm doing tomorrow.

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