Friday, September 21, 2012

My new view of Chaos

Disclaimer: I realize that the new CSM book is coming out in like 2 weeks, but I had already written this out so I figured I should post it and hopefully ya'll might get something out of it.

So this list is fairly simple:

1 Daemon Prince with Mark of Tzeentch, Wings, Doom Bolt and Bolt of Change - 185

2x 9 Thousand Sons, 1 Aspring Champion with Doom Bolt in Rhino - 624

This base idea is that the meta, more or less, is switching to foot lists. 1k sons are great an anti-MEQ, and since now most armies are footslogging it the hardest part (tank busting) is out of the way. This "mini" list is built for one thing, killing marines with AP3 bolter rounds. Adding onto it is the 3 Doom Bolts that add 9 S4 AP3 shots at 18". There is also the versatility of the Daemon Prince. With the latest FAQ CSM finally got FMC, which gives this list the ability to Vector Strike at S6 and then still fire off at marines or tanks. All in all this list can eliminate huge swaths of marines a turn.

The extra 9 shots are nice, however what I really wanted to use some of the new psychic disciplines. I'm pissed that CSM got the short end of the stick with not being able to take Biomancy and Divination, but they did get Telepathy. This is the tree I'm going to focus on using in this list. The primarus power is Psychic Shriek, and since you can always get it I wanted to build a list around utilizing and abusing it. What the idea here is that I swap out all the powers I've bought in the CSM book for rolls on the Telepathy table. Really the Daemon Prince is the only one who will roll for something other than Shriek, otherwise all 3 psykers in the army will each have it. I realize that there's more than just Shriek, but for the purposes of this list I'm not gonna chance it on luck and screw any battle plan.

So the idea is that I have 2 squads dishing out AP3 bolter rounds which on average kill about 6 MEQ models each at 12", which is the optimal range. Couple that with the 12" Shriek which will kill somewhere from 1-3 models by itself, and there's a squad nearly gone. Meanwhile there's the S6 FMC there to finish off whatever is left. Lastly we have the Rhinos, which are purely taken because they're needed for mobility. Rhino's got a huge boost (pun intended) in 6th. Regardless of HP they gained an additional 6" move in the shooting phase, meaning they move 18" a turn. Added on top of that when you disembark you place models within 6" of any access point given the transport didn't move more than 6". This means you move 18" on turn one, then another 12" on turn two to put us into rapid fire range. That's a 30" move in only two turns, and gives us a 42" threat range by turn two. I'm not really concerned with how flimsy the Rhinos may be. In order to get the 1k sons where they have the biggest impact the Rhinos are a must.

This is just the list so far. The reason I've only built it with 1 HQ and 2 Troops is simply because of the idea of allies. I want to figure out what other units in the game will best compliment this tactic/strategy. And the possibilities are nearly endless. Would pure CSM work? How about Daemons? Or IG or Orks? In order to figure that out I need to find the strength and weaknesses of the list so far.

First off, all the troops are slow and purposeful. Last edition this was a half empty/half full sort of thing. Now I feel like it's really half empty. In 6th every unit can fire rapid fire weapons at full range, which used to be 1k sons biggest strength in 5th. So what has S+P done for these guys in 6th? Well to begin with you no longer count as moving through difficult terrain all the time. Instead you always get to move 6" when you're in the open. In 6th they also get to fire off any Salvo, Heavy, and/or Ordnance weapons counting as if they were stationary even if they moved. This is great considering the fact that 1k sons have none of these. Also, they can no longer run or fire overwatch. This is the biggest hit they've taken in this new edition. It not only limits they're late game contest/taking abilities as well as making them even more vulnerable to assaults. This means you're going to have to be very careful with leaving these guys stranded, they'll probably have to have a counter attack unit escorting them (if there is anything left to charge them that is).

Okay, so what's good in this list so far?

Well obviously there's the huge amount of anit-MEQ fire power. Secondly there's the fact that there are 3 psykers already. This is nice when it comes to psychic defense. Each unit of 1k sons is able to deny the witch on a 5+. The DP's psychic level is debatable, and here's why. DP's are psychic level 1, which means they can only take 1 power. A DP with MoT (Mark of Tzeentch) is allowed to take 2 powers, which you can trade in for 2 rolls on a given tree/table. Now in 5th edition this type of configuration was allowed to use 2 powers a turn (anyone remember Warptime with Wind of Chaos combo?). So does giving a DP the MoT mean he becomes level 2, and be able to cast 2 a turn? Or does it simply mean he's still level 1 but can have upto 2 powers?

I wanna say that he's level 2, but that's probably just wishful thinking, someone help me please. Either way he's a S6 FMC with a 3+/4+ and 2 psychic powers. Most likely I'll give him Psychic Shriek plus whatever else seems helpful. I can think of a use for any of the other powers but I don't have the time to discuss that here. Lastly each of these units is fairly durable. Each model on the board (minus the Rhinos) are 3+/4+. Lascannons and what have you aren't that scary anymore. Considering that cover has been taken down to a 5+, having a natural 4+ invulnerable save is alot better now.

I've covered the negatives of S+P, and the strengths of the units so far. Now it's time to look at the areas of game play that this list needs a boost in, which will help determine what allies, if any, should be included. The first thing of note is the lack of long range fire power, whether it be anti-tank or anything. The furthest range is effectively 24", plus that's only S4. Secondly there's the lack of high strength weapons, which are helpful for anything. The next area that needs attention is horde units/armies. There are no template weapons of any sort so far, and considering that blasts only need to touch vehicles in order to hurt them we may be able to kill two birds with one stone in this area. Along the lines of horde units there is no real assault/counter assault units besides the DP who can only do so much. Now there's also 2 force weapons in each squad of 1k sons, but without overwatch or other CC weapons they don't really stand a chance in assault. Last of all there's flyers, both FMC and vehicles. Of course the DP now has skyfire and can vector strike, but that's only gonna help take one or 2 flyers down before he gets blown off.  So adding so extra elements will be useful.

So the graph, or list persay, will look something like this when I go to analyze other armies units.

CC ability, Short Range, Mid Range, Long Range, Anti-Infantry, Anti-Horde, Anti-Tank, Anti-Flyer,
Anti-MEQ, Anti-Terminator.

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