Friday, June 1, 2012

Off the beaten path: Honey Badgers

Last week I finally caved in a bought the Space Wolves codex. I mean now that Grey Knights and Necrons are so damn popular, it seems that it's become somewhat socially acceptable to play Wolves. Really I just wanna try something different because I've been playing the same dex for 5 years now, and this stuff gets pretty stale. This leads me to another quick point I have to make. While this blog is about the 69th Chapter of the Emperor's Children there may be different versions of it. In other words my whole goal is to have a bunch of models that are all purple and gold and can play as CSM, SM, BA, SW, BT, DA, GK, etc. So purchasing this codex is a step in that direction, plus I don't have a printer so printing out a torrented copy would actually cost more (not that I condone pirating).

I've gotten one game in with them against my friends Necrons, which is an all fliers list with Imotekh and other shenanigans. With him (like almost all 'cron lists) having night fighting on turn 1 up through at least turn 3 doesn't really matter for Wolves. If Necrons had a better representation at Adepticon I could easily see alot more Wolves players making the top tables. The Acute Senses special rule makes Wolves very, very good against these perpetual night lists. In one turn I was able to destroy 3 of 4 Night Scythes solely because I was able to re-roll my spotting distance. It was absolutely redic, and basically took the game from being anyones game to it obviously being mine in that one shooting phase.

Other notes on that game...Thunder Wolf Cavalry are broken and really expensive. I can see why people aren't taking them anymore. They are a huge point sink, and an even bigger fire magnet. I didn't give anyone a Storm Shield, cause I didn't have the points. Yet if I had I really don't think I would've made too much of a difference. Giving them all SS is anywhere from 90-150 points depending on the squad size, plus they're already 50 points a model. That means they're gonna be as much as a full Terminator unit and still don't have any special weapons yet. So a fully kitted out unit is gonna look around 500 big ones. And trust me, they will take out 500 points of your opponents army for sure. So I'm still iffy on them, all I do know is that I really want to convert a squad of them either way. Basically use the Tyranid Ravners tail and torso bashed with a CSM Marine or Terminator, or possibly the new Wraith tails. Either way they would look sick, but I have to hold off till 6th comes out to find out if they are worth making/taking or not.

Also, Wolf Lords are straight beasts. I don't care what you give them. I took two, one with Thunder Hammer and Saga of the Bear, then one with Saga of the Beastslayer and a Wolf Claw. They both had a Belt of Russ, for the 4++, only because I didn't have the points for SS really. I forgot that SS give you a 3++ against shooting now (/facepalm), but I didn't really notice too much of a difference. I will take them next time, just to be sure they can get across safely. I wasn't able to abuse Saga of the Beastslayer, like, at all. In reality there aren't too many T5 models out there, and the Wolf Claw(s) already let you choose which re-rolls you want. Plus you're already S5 so the toughness issue is kinda void, and the other TH and PF in the squad should rack up enough wounds against anything you face that the SotBS Lord isn't really needed.

Long Fangs are a must take, duh. They're just too damn cheap and WAYYY to effective at what they do. You can't hope to run a successful SW list without including these guys in your plan, or so I think. As far as Grey Hunters are concerned...meh. They're nothing that flashy, but a completely solid choice. Taking 2 Melta Guns, a Power Fist, and the Wolf Banner is just standard. A little redundant, and mildly boring as far as having a really fun unit goes. But they are what Tactical Marines should be, able to shoot effectively and then charge in a kill things, or even be able to get shot up and take a charge without caring. Cause Honey Badger don't care.

So next I'm gonna try and write up an effective Kill Point denial list utilizing this codes. Oh, also to note I'm calling Space Wolves...wait for it...Honey Badgers. The only reason is because every time I rolled my armor saves I start by saying "Honey Badger...(roll die, and if I pass) don't care." Obviously if I failed then they did care. Yeah it's just a small stupid thing, it was late and I was working my way through a 6 pack, so shit happens. Anyways, hope you folks enjoyed this mental purging of mine, and let me know what your opinions are about SW, I mean Honey Badgers.

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